Gallery Page Won't Load

I minted a token yesterday on an existing contract and the manifold gallery page still will not load. The file is an MP4. It is showing up on one marketplace: Rarible but no other marketplace best I can tell. I generally list on MakersPlace.

Token 100: Are You My Mother?

gm! Love this piece - Seems I can view it fine on Gallery now. Is it showing up on other platforms? If youā€™re seeing it on Rarible it seems like it was minted properly.

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Odd that this will not resolve on manifold gallery or where I plan to mint it: MakersPlace. I did inquire with their dev team and this is what I received from them.

it looks like the metadata of this artwork is not ERC-721 compliant, which shouldnā€™t really be possible since this was minted on an ERC-721


contract. Their dev teams said that the metadata needs to be updated and pushed to arweave. This is what they told me: "the latest token (#100) does not have valid metadata according to the ERC-721 standard. ā€¦ā€¦ The ā€˜image_urlā€™ is missing, which our system (and Iā€™m sure others) rely on for getting a display image. The broken token #100 is missing image, image_url, and image_details. "

I just tried to upload a new thumbnail and update the metadata. Fingers crossed that this work.s

Seems the issue is that there is no ā€œimageā€ metadata when file type is MP4 and this is causing an issue with the token displaying on both the Manifold Gallery and MakersPlace and any other marketplace that requires ā€œImageā€ for Thumbnail display of MP4.

To get an image url you would have to attach a thumbnail image as well to your token.

I did upload an image and I can see it on the Media details page

Hi, from what we can see, this token now has valid metadata and a PNG uploaded as the image.

Can you confirm everything is resolved?