Get Physical - Request failed with status code 400


I tried to use the Get Physical (Burn & Redeem) but it sends this error when trying to burn: Request failed with status code 400. link: Book of Meme (test) | Manifold

Need help please, ty in advance :slight_smile:

gm - Thanks for reaching out! Can you provide a screenshot with the console. It will help us see the errors on our side:


hey cryptomfer,

thank you for the information. we’ve released a new version of the frontend that hopefully provides more details as to why the burn may have failed.

please try again, and let us know if you are still stuck!

gm mani,

i think there is a bug with the State (optional)

ty for your help

hello again cryptomfer,

you were right – state was not actually optional. we are pushing out a fix to allow for an optional state. you should be able to retry the physical claim again in 10 minutes. thank you for your patience, and hopefully you are able to burn for the book!

gm mani,

next time we are gonna make it haha :slight_smile:
ty in advance

can recreate, fixing.

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fixed! give it a try now. apologies for the delay. was a minor issue with forgetting to lowercase all contract addresses so that the strings match when compared. cheers!

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