Getting a " Something went wrong : "Claim not initialized"" error on Claim Page app


I ran into a problem in the final contract execution and didnt confirm the final transaction, but it went through anyway due to my mistake. I completed all the normals steps to create a Claim Page, and during the last phase, there are 2 transactions. I completed the first one, but I was disconnected before the second one. An error message came up asked to paste the transaction to ensure no duplicates…I didnt realize it was talking about the final unconfirmed transaction, and I instead posted the Transaction ID of the contract going live. The final transaction was never executed, but I cannot get back to that screen to push it through again.

In addition, the Claim app page won’t load and the public claim page also is not working:

Is there a way to fix this, or should i create a new claim page?

Ok, can you try to load the claim in studio and see if you can publish again? You’ll have to set your slug again.

Thanks, it was previously marked as “live” on the claim page app, but it has now reverted to “draft” so I’ll give it another try.