Goerli ether problem

Hello, could you please tell me what to do if I can’t get Goerli ether from any of these faucets
My address 0xa084F4C696fEC0c679f93Fd852e0E56fC214fFef
Screenshot 2022-12-13 at 15.00.34

gm - Sent a little over!

Hey lyndo, I am trying to upload some NFTs and for that, I need Goerli. I have tried in every way, can you help me out?

My address is 0x94B5316081Af50d8F53671795bc6cEBfD413927b.

Hi Lyndo, since three days I’m also not able to get any Goerli ETH for deploying the test contract and move forward. I’m kindly asking if you can send me some Goerli on this address as well?


Thanks in advance

Hi Lyndo, how are you? I’m learning how to upload NFTs on Manifold and about the help requests here in the community. I sent this message yesterday but didn’t get a response and it still shows “Saved Goerli 0 :((((.” Is there another way to move forward with this step or do I have to ask for someone to send it here? I tried all of the recommended rescue options on the site and it still didn’t work. Thank you so much for your help!

Wallet: 0x94B5316081Af50d8F53671795bc6cEBfD413927b

Sent some over to you!

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gm - Sent some over!

I’m trying to upload my first Manifold contract but am not able to get Goerli for the last few days now from Goerli Faucet. Hope they can fix it soon.

My address is: 0x2127D54c2Ac37D2C88549C9Ae1662B8eaAab7337

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This is a good source as well, although it takes a bit longer.

gm - Sent some over!

If anyone else is looking for Goerli, please refer to this threadl.

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