Help Merging Accounts


I had an account hacked and am trying to migrate to a new Manifold account (or set a new wallet as the primary address).

the issue is I signed in with the new wallet and now it’s stuck in a loop where I can’t add the new wallet to the old account.

can anyone help?

Sorry to hear that.

You can replace your compromised account’s linked wallet with a new wallet. However, the replacement wallet cannot be linked to an existing account. If you signed in with your replacement wallet and accidentally created a new account, you will need to unlink the wallet from that account. Go here to do this: Manifold Studio - Wallet Settings

After you unlink your wallet, you can sign in to your original account (either via email or your compromised wallet) and unlink the compromised wallet, then link the replacement wallet at the same settings page as above.

Let us know if you need any further help or clarification.