Hosting token listings on own site question

I’ve successfully minted my contract and token (Small victories!)

I have my own website and a specific page created with the story, photos and video of my artwork creation that I’ve minted as a 1/1 token to go with the original artwork and it’s how someone can only buy my original artwork in this new series.

I’d like to input my listing in the page. Can I do this or do I need to create the full subdomain page as in the tutorial?

I followed the instructions, but all samples pointed to dead website and links don’t load as they come up as not secure links.

Any visual samples of how a subdomain looks and if it’s possible to input a small listing section into a build custom page in wordpress?

Thanks for the time, patience and input to my questions.


Thanks for reaching out! Which tutorials are you using to put the listing on your page? If you send over the links we can take a look and help clear things up

Hey lyndo, thanks for the help.

So far I’ve been reading through the process here: Hosting on Your Own Site - Manifold Docs

I’m curious what the end result will look like following all the stages setting up the subdomain and what the page looks like once doing all these steps. Do you have a sample link I can view?

What I’m really wanting to do is import the listing within my webpage that has gallery photos, a few videos and explanations of the creation of the artwork that I’ve minted as a 1/1. I’d like to have a section in my page that displays the nft for someone to purchase.

I’m going to list my nft in the manifold gallery today and I’d like to be able to list the nft like how they are displayed in the gallery where I can display the box with the info, but within my other components on my webpage.

I wanted to ask before going through dns configuration etc.

If you need more clarification please don’t hesitate to ask.


This is the link that doesn’t display, but just has a spinning loading in the middle of a dark page. I’m assuming it used to show the example subdomain.

This is an example of how it looks! Additionally we have some widgets that might be interesting for you to look into.

Beautiful, thank you so much! I think the widgets is the exact way to go. I appreciate your help.
