How can I change the wallet address on a new Manifold contract please? (Last contract was set to the wrong address by me

Good morning, Hope you’re well, I’m a bit stuck again.
I searched the topics for this question. There was one the same as mine yet I couldn’t see any replies yet. Please could you help me with it? Last time I logged in and made a contract with the wrong wallet that wasn’t connected to my Foundation profile. This time I have logged in with the ‘right’ wallet instead. Do I need to add it anywhere at all on my profile, as I’m receiving a warning symbol telling me I’m logged in with a new wallet address. It’s the one I’d like to use on my contract today. Is there anything I need to do please or should I just carry on and create the new contract and it will link to this wallet address I’m logged in with? Instead of the old wrong one. Thank you.
I’d like the contract to show the wallet I’m connected with here one with the warning symbol next to it if that’s possible. Should I just try and create a new account with you using a different email or would that not work please?
Thank you

When I did the deployment test on Goerli, it does seem to be connecting to the new wallet I want it to when I check on etherscan. Just a little bit anxious about deploying it today on the mainnet without checking with somebody first.

gm! Using multiple wallets maybe confusing. One thing to keep in mind is the wallet you select to deploy the contract will be the owner of that contract.

When you create a profile with Manifold, the wallet address is used to sign in - You have the option to choose a different wallet to deploy. This happens when creators use a hot wallet to sign up but then switch to a hardware wallet to deploy contracts/tokens.

GM Lyndo.
Okay. I think it looks like I managed it in that case. Brilliant, thank you. Have a fun day.

Hey Lyndo, I’ve used a wallet to sign in and a different wallet to deploy: is there a possibility to change the deploy wallet?
ty! D

Can you be a little more specific about what you’re trying to do? Are you looking to mint new tokens from a different deploy wallet?

I would like to deploy tokens with the wallet I use to sign in my profile.
Although the previous contract I deployed within my profile I expressed a different connected wallet, a ‘deploy wallet’.
Now I would like the new contracts to be deployed on my ‘log in’ wallet ‘.
I hope i could explain the matter… Thank you for your time! D

For new contracts you don’t need to change anything, just execute the transaction with your desired wallet - For existing contracts unfortunately the creator will always display the deployed wallet. If a contract has been deployed and tokens are minted, if you are still the owner, these tokens can be burned and remitted with the login wallet.