How do I update 721/1155 tokens to show in NEW Foundation/OpenSea account pages?

Good day Forum!
My main Contract has been transferred to a new Wallet, and I don’t see my Manifold Gallery app 1/1 or my Claim Page 1155 on my new page. My ENS Registrant was also transferred and I don’t see that reflected either. Do I need to go in to the MetaData on Etherscan to make those changes?

Also, I have a dozen or more NFTs that I am not showing on my new account page.


Gm! Thanks for reaching out. I’d say the first thing to do is double check if it’s showing up properly on Etherscan. If it is, then it sounds like it’s the marketplaces having to refresh the way this is represented on the platforms. I’d suggest opening up a support ticket and explaining the situation.

Ok. On Etherscan my FND contrant JulietHaas.eth shows Owner as my old Leger wallet. Do you recommend transferring this to the NEW wallet that I’ve transferred the Manifold Contract to?

It also looks like I made a second profile here! I’ll have to delete the other one. I don’t want to sign in with MM anyway. Here is the original thread.

:slight_smile: December 11

Gm! Thanks for reaching out. I’d say the first thing to do is double check if it’s showing up properly on Etherscan. If it is, then it sounds like it’s the marketplaces having to refresh the way this is represented on the platforms. I’d suggest opening up a support ticket and explaining the situation.

Hello again!
I cannot login to my second Forum profile juliethaas.eth180d with MM. No worries. Hmmm.

Now when I login to Manifold Studio my contract shows the OLD wallet address and not my ENS name (which I already transferred). I am guessing it will take some time for the changes to reflect on Etherscan. FYI, my 1155 Claim Page does show transferred to the NEW wallet. YAY. Do I also need to go in to Etherscan and update to the NEW wallet in the Write Proxy sections?

My 1/1 NFT still routes to the bad wallet. Do I need to also go into its Write Proxy and transfer to the NEW address? I thought maybe it would be automatic if I tranferred the Main contract. Please advise.