How to change the contracts' owner if the wallet was compromised recently?

Hello! A couple of days ago my wallet was hacked by a fake “curator”. I’ve lost some funds, but all the nfts there are safe. I have 2 contracts on Manifold Studio and one piece listed in Manifold Gallery for now. The formal owner is Manifold Gallery, but, as I understood, after having this piece sold, the funds will go to the hacked wallet and the other indicated wallet (curator of the collection, the real one). I’d like to substitute the address of a hacked wallet with a new one, and also change the owner of my 2 contracts (with the new wallet).
How can I do that?

hi 0x0cc987d6a99DC30338,

See the Manifold Documentation here for transferring contract ownership

For the Gallery piece, there is not a way to change the Sale Splits after the listing has started. However, you can Cancel the listing, which will return the token to the original wallet, and then transfer it to your new wallet.

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Thanks for your reply!
I’m currently trying to safe my works using special scripts against the sweeper bot. I have the last question: if I succeed to cancel listing and the piece returns to the scammed wallet, and then I transfer the contract’s ownership to a safe wallet, will the piece minted in this contract be also transferred to a safe wallet or I’ll need to do something else?

no, you will need to manually transfer the piece to the safe wallet as well.