How to complete verification process

Hello again. My creator contract has been paid and published, but I cannot see it in my dashboard. Contract is still in draft. Publish claim page: 1. Upload media to Arweave 2. Deploy Creator Contract massage: Your contract has been published. It is taking longer than normal to complete the verification process, but you will be notified by email when it happens.
What did I do wrong, what can I do to initialize claim?

hey joemx,

we’re sorry for the delay. you didn’t do anything wrong; in fact we’re super grateful for you reporting this issue.

we have found the error and are working on a fix. i will report back when you can re-attempt your claim initialization.

sorry again, and thank you for your patience.

hello again joemx,

the contract deploy issue is fixed! you should be able to continue with your claim creation.

let us know if you encounter anything else, and we appreciate your report :pray:

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