How to connect Manifold and 0xSplit contract?

I didn’t really find a detailed walkthrough for this, but here’s the situation:

I want to do an open edition claim page on Manifold with the (primary and secondary) proceeds split evenly between 2 wallets. I already created a splits contract with 0xSplits, and a new erc1155 contract on Manifold intended for the edition. So how exactly do I bring those together?

Do I enter the address of the splits contract in the field for the royalties? If so, will that affect primary proceeds aswell?

Also, what % do I need to set? (Address in the picture is that of the splits contract)

Setting the On-Chain royalties in the contract/token will be for secondary sales.

For primary sales, this typically depends on the method of sales. For the claim page you will be able to set a payout address. Claim Page - Manifold Docs

Can I set multiple payout addresses on the claim page? Or would that be the right place to put the splits address?
The sales method will be open edition, available for 48h (so technically timed edition).