How to enforce royalty splits

Yeah, I will only do the first sale straight from the Manifold Gallery. I don’t want to list it anywhere else.

this thready was very helpful for a current project. thank you. i am wondering if it is possible to also do a three-way split? or can only 1 collaborator be put in per token?

You can do multiple.

when i do it, it just replaces the last entry. how do i do multiples?

if i add another wallet on the smart contract it will replace the one here in the image for royalties.

You can’t do this within studio, you have to do it following these instructions:

im using etherscan to access the smart contract. it is no longer the same function number, but using the same functions. it allows me to enter one at a time. whatever the second one is i input overrides the previous one. i keep using this and paying the gas, but only get 1 address to show. do i need to separate them by , and enter them together? or enter them separately as i am?

You have to follow the instructions here:

What’s your contract address? The function # may be different depending on if it’s an 1155 or 721

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amazing. i got it. thanks for the patience. i made a few errors. 1.) i didnt read closely enough 2.) where to put the comma was throwing me off. appreciate the help!

If the drop is open edition via a claim page and we don’t know in advance how many will be minted, what do we enter in the tokenId field? Let’s say the first token on the new claim page will have tokenId18 on the contract. Can we do something like 18… to mean 18 onwards?

Also, when I try to edit function 26 for a single token the gas fee is 0.42 ETH. That can’t be right, can it?!

It’s not. You should try this on the testnet first.

please see attached screenshots. what am I doing wrong?

Your input is wrong, you need square brackets around the receivers and basisPoints.

like this? gas is still .42 ETH

No. That’s definitely not right.

Are you connected as the contract owner? What is the contract address and what wallet are you connected as?

If you see a high cost like that it should also tell you that the transaction will revert or has an error.

If you see this error, you’re likely connected using the wrong address (i.e. not the owner)

Do not proceed.

Yes, I saw that error and didn’t proceed. But I was definitely connected as the contract owner.

Contract address: 0x7d5Bbd40663d81F506aaE6c430a13F1E298E703e
Wallet address: 0xb8c0dCEF32409bc46100b04Df5b8F14A72E7b334

Token 18 doesn’t exist yet, so you can’t set the royalties on it.

Ah yes, good point :man_facepalming:

Has anyone confirmed these royalties get paid out? I did a few listings on goerli that have now ended and have been finalized (listingIds: 400, 401, 403, 404, 405)

I see no indication that the royalties are being paid.

Finalize Transaction:

Set Royalties Transaction: