I cannot see the NFT contract I made. It is not showing up

The Contract is https://etherscan.io/address/0xaca06c6eb91bb6536cc9d1a4192ed519ab23a884#readProxyContract

I have my wallets linked but I minted contracts on two wallets. The ones on this wallet are showing 0x01cB023186CAB05220554EE75b4D69921DD051f1 but the other wallet I cannot see the contracts. 0x72774bc572ef9a2dFF47c3F8Cc200DC2fe3830C0

I used to be able to login to the two accounts separately but now the second wallet will not let me log in because it wants me to change my email address but then refuses to let me change it.

In order for our team to investigate a bug/errors, please provide the following:

  • What is your wallet address? 0x72774bc572ef9a2dFF47c3F8Cc200DC2fe3830C0 and 0x01cB023186CAB05220554EE75b4D69921DD051f1
  • A summary of the issue
  • What are you trying to do? View the nfts on this contract. Remove one from the gallery.
  • What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages? I do not see the contract in the Home
  • A screenshot of the issue/error with the console.
    Instructions here: How do I report issues to the forum? | Manifold Help Center
  • What browser are you using? Brave
  • What wallet are you using? MetaMask

It is a manifold contract.
I do see it in the larger list of contracts but I cannot figure out how to get my art out of the gallery so I can sell it somewhere else.

I had to disconnect the second wallet from the account for 0x01cB023186CAB05220554EE75b4D69921DD051f1
And then I had to use a different email for the second wallet.
This does not work the way it used to.

I think I am ok - I just had to disconnect my two accounts.
But you might make this easier for people who minted contracts on two wallets.
I guess I need to transfer ownership of my contracts to a single wallet?

gm! Yep, we made a security update and each workspace now requires a unique email. You can invite one address to collaborate with another in the workspace settings.