I’m having issue claiming a monthly open edition that I have claimed for many previous months

Wallet address is 0xc07e453BC01B071450fE4a519D64F537ef05f651

I’m trying to claim this NFT make no mistake | Manifold

In order to claim you must have a certain piece of the artist’s work. I have held that NFT in that same wallet since February and have been claiming monthly but this month is says “Sorry, there are no items for you to claim.”

I’m using chrome and MM with a ledger. I have tried refreshing the page, restarting my computer, clearing cache, etc. and I still get the error.

Hi NFToxicated,

Checked and everything looks like you should be able to claim with 0xc07..651

I simulated your wallet and it shows you have a claim available. Can you double check you have the right wallet connected by fully disconnecting and reconnecting.

If you still think there’s something up after this, can you post a screenrecording of you reconnecting your wallet to the page (showing the Wallet popup) and pressing the claim now button


Still having trouble connecting. It’s not allowing me to post the screen recording due to me being a new user. Is there are way around that?