I try to send a token, the destination is the mainnet address

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I created a new ERC-1155.
When I try to send a token, the destination is the mainnet address.

I did put this address on the transfer destination though.


But,for some reason, when I get to the transaction screen, I get this address in red text.


What the heck is going on?
Since this is a newly created contract, did I miss something that should be actioned?

Can you share a screenshot of what you see?

Thanks for your reply.
It will appear like this.

・This is the address I would like to transfer to.

・When I go to the transaction screen, the address I want to transfer to has changed and is red.

マニフォールド NFT transaction画面 2

・The address feels the same as the mainnet address.

What you see is the intended behavior. 0x480… is your NFT Contract Address. You are calling that contract to issue a mint to the address 0x529…

I see…

I don’t always get this screen when issuing tokens from a new contract, is this OK to go through the transaction as normal?
Will a token be sent to the address I enter?

Yes it’s normal and yes it will be.

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Thank you very much :sparkles:
I was very anxious to get this resolved and it was very helpful.
Thank you for your time.