I would like to update the thumbnail and artwork for my erc721 claim page

Id like to update the video on my claim page after adding new tokens. I would also like to update the thumbnail. Is this even possible? Or do I need to make a new claim page? Seems like a bad way to do it. I do not see anywhere to do it in the claim page settings.

Thank you for your help!

You can edit your claim page in the settings. Click the 3 dots to pull it up.

Im in the claim page settings. But I dont see the 3 dots. Or any buttons to update the media.

Can you send a link to your claim page? You’re talking about the claim page preview or the tokens?

The video at the top of the page is what I’m trying to replace.

Ah. You’re just trying to edit the video on the claim page, and not the nft itself right?

Can you link me the video you want to update it to?

So all I have is a video file. Do I need to upload it somewhere first?

Like google drive or Vimeo?

Could you see if you can upload the file here ? If not if you could somehow share with us the video, either through google drive or Vimeo will work