Is it possible to alter commission rate?

Is it possible to alter the commission rate of 6.9%? I’d like to offer a flat 1 Ethereum commission to my artwork selling at 7.5 Eth as a bigger incentive for others to help in it’s sale.

If I can’t alter the default commission, do you have any suggestions of how to offer the difference on top of the base 6.9% to add up to the full 1 Eth price?

Here’s the link to the token in question:


Any support on this question from anyone? Would love to be able to customize the commission rate higher than the default 6.9%

gm! Not supported to change this right now with the Gallery app but would love some feedback here - Would you change this on a token by token basis?

Thanks for the response lyndo.

At this point I would do it on a token to token basis, but could easily change it to a general % if it was available in that option only.

Looking to sweeten the commission rate for the work people go through to help find buyers.
For this piece I’ve just been telling people that I’ll top up their wallet to the difference if they find a buyer through the ‘share’ link.
