Is it possible to launch a 5k Collection with delayed reveal art

Is it possible now to launch a collection of 5k different unique nfts? I want to use a place holder image where all are the same until revealed a couple of days late. Is this possible on Manifold? If so, how would I update the placeholder image to reveal the art?

here is an example of a project that recently did this


gm! Sounds like you’re looking for the metadata reveal feature in our claims app: Customize ERC721 Metadata | Manifold Studio | Manifold Docs

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Awesome, thank you! Also is it possible to reserve some NFTs for the creator address? say I want to save 100 out of the 5k for the treasury. How would I do this?

You can airdrop tokens to a wallet after you’ve deployed a claim!


So i want to create an ERC721 project with a collection size of 5k, I want there to be a Pre-reveal image and I update the metadata later when they are minted out. Am I able to do this without pre-minting them to a marketplace? I want the collector to mint on the claim page and then I update the metadata later revealing all unique NFTs. Also, If I have a whitelist can I allow them to mint first at a certain price and then after a few hours switch it to public with a different price?

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Ive tried to find all the information I could on this but cant seem to find anything very helpful. Thank you.

You’re saying you want the collector to mint on the claim page? The ERC721 Metadata update should be what you’re looking for. You can edit the Claim window after you’ve deployed the claim. So it sounds like you’ll deploy an allowlist first and then open it up to the public at a different price.


But can I update the metadata after the collection has minted out on the manifold claim page? The video you guys have shows them already pre minted to one wallet

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In the Customize ERC721 Metadata reveal video, it shows tokens that have been claimed by different addresses. They aren’t pre-minted per say. The way we describe pre-minted is when a creator mints to their own wallet and then lists for sale on Manifold Gallery or a sales platform.

Ok gotcha, so just to clarify. After a user mints on a manifold claim page the metadata and be updated a couple days later using the customize ERC721 feature?

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Hello,Lyndo. I hope you’re doing well. I have a collection ready that I want to launch on Base, and yesterday I tried to do it on Manifold, but I couldn’t upload my 5,000 files; it only lets me do it one by one. I also can’t upload the metadata there. How did you do it? And what does Manifold gain? Do they earn a commission per mint or for the service? Sorry to bother you again, and thanks!