Is Manifold right for my project?

Hello to this fine community!

I have never made an NFT project, but am hoping to soon. Please forgive my ignorance on this topic!

I have about 300 photographs I would like to offer for minting on my own web stack. Currently I plan to use Ubuntu/NodeJS/React to host the site.

So, can I create a contract in Manifold Studio, then use code from Widgets | Manifold for Developers | Manifold Docs to handle the interface to web3?

User story is something like:

  1. Visit mycoolnft . com
  2. Mint an NFT with my projects’ manifold contract using a placeholder image
  3. Do a reveal by updating the metadata with actual NFT jpg once minting window is done.

My question is: How can I use Manifold’s tools to facilitate such a project? Can I use Manifold Studio to manage the images, or is it wiser to do this in on my stack? Can I mint a collection in this way?

Obviously, I would like to avoid coding any Solidity, so are the manifold tools complete enough to get the job done?

Thanks for any advice you guys can offer, I am only one guy, no ‘team’, lol


Welcome! It sounds like you might be looking to do something like a blind mint.

The way it would work is your collectors would go to a page where they would mint a token with a pre-reveal asset. Whenever you choose you would be able to ‘reveal’ the assets to the 300 unique tokens.

If this is what you’re thinking this link might be helpful:

Hey Lyndon,

Thanks for taking a look. In attempting what you suggest, is there a way to manage the traits with a csv? Each image has traits generated with an algorithm, and am I worried about human error when I am asked to do a 1000 things. It would be MUCH better to simply port the data with scripting into a csv and update the tokens all at once.

Follow up question… with gas being what it is… what L2 solution would you recommend to build something like this upon? Is there a way to use an L2 and eventually have tokens resolve on mainnet?

Thanks so much for your help!