Is my site getting rate limited or block listed?

Hey I’ve had a lot of traffic on my website recently and Im just getting a spinning circle where there should be buttons to buy and mint NFTs

can you see on your end if this URL is rate limited or something?

any support on this would be greatly appreciated

it would be really great if there was a less dynamic “dumb” button that didn’t try to fetch data from Manifold, but instead just sat on the page with a static graphic and then tried to execute a mint, and let the users wallet either show that its going to succeed or fail depending on the blockchain state

Okay so I just upgraded all of my scripts to


instead of

And now its working again.

The developer documentation strongly suggests I use a fixed version number for consistent results. But this is the second or third time that something’s been updated on your end that breaks my website and I have to change the version of the script I’m using.

I really want to keep using manifold but breaking changes like this without communicating it to devs is really rough. I think you all have my email, can you send out a developer email blast and warn people a week in advance if changes are going to break our website?

brutal because i know this is going to cause CSS issues for you. getting an engineer to fix m-buy-only so at least you have something working here.

huge apologies. this is the first time we’ve ran into this issue so we don’t have a great system in place to fix. will make one. will also update docs with some warnings.

Alright! You should be all good with latest release of claim v1.11.0. No buy button weird CSS issues on mobile. And this version should be stable for a long time to come.

We do suggest whenever doing a big drop to double check you’re on latest releases of our widgets. In the future we’re going to try to add some sort of newsletter you can subscribe to so that you know when we’ve put out breaking changes to the old widget code.

Totally on us, no way you could’ve known you were using old code nor that the old code wasn’t going to work the way it did a few day ago without some sort of newsletter. Huge apologies for the issues!