Issue transferring a token in OpenSea. OS support says the contract doesn't allow the item to be transferred

Hello, I’m having an issue in one of my contracts. There is one token I couldn’t transfer Open Sea, then opened a ticket there. They said it’s expected behavior because the contract doesn’t allow this item to be transferred. No idea why and wonder if anyone could have a look at this?

I thought maybe it’s because it’s the genesis piece… But i transferred other first-minted pieces from the other contracts and had no issues.

This is the contract’s address:

And this is the token:

Appreciate any light shared on the subject.


Not sure why Opensea is saying that but you are able to transfer the token directly on Etherscan(Provided you’re the owner of it):

Hi lyndo, thanks and sorry for the late response. Yeah, idk why OS said that. I could also transfer it from the Manifold’s contract API right?

I just fear the recipient won’t be able to transfer it later on. I think I will try sending it to one of my own wallets before sending it to the final recipient.