Issue with buy token button on claims page

I’m encountering an error with a claim page where some people can mint, and some can’t mint. I was able to get it to work on a separate wallet, but then when I cleared cookies/cache and connected with another different wallet I was able to replicate the issue. The buy token button doesn’t work and is non clickable even though the claim is live, does anyone know what could be causing this issue?

im having the same issue wityh my latest

It’s still not working for me with the claim page but I did find a workaround, if you use it should work as long as the claim is live. Just use[insert contract address here]

Hi - Thanks for reaching out. Can you include the claim page you’re having issue with and the wallet address used when logged in to mint?

This is the link: cash grab

And I used multiple addresses, it’s claimable by anyone and appears to give people the option to claim - it’s just that the buy token button doesn’t work.
This is one of the addresses I checked it with: 0xA99FfDedf27e56a8E4B5DA0A28d333D417384271

I have the same problem. I just see the Buy button on the page and can’t see the amount to choose to mint and cant click on the Buy button.

Thanks for flagging this for us! Found the issue and will be deploying the fix shortly. Should be running a few mins from now.

EDIT: Fixed! Let us know if you’re seeing any other issues

Thank you so much for the prompt response and fix! It’s working properly now