Issue with numbering on ERC721 Editions

The editions minted from claim page had different numbering. which got cleared after refreshing metadata.

Now the issue is:

• I airdropped 5 editions each to two different wallets and five editions on one wallet has same name ie: “‘FACETS-X #q/100’” and another five editions which is in another wallet is “‘FACETS-X #7/100’, how can I solve this?
• Can I able to remove the total edition numbers from the name? for ex: its now ‘FACETS-X #20/100’ I need to keep it 'FACETS-X #20

Please help. | Account Holder: spellamin.eth

Can you send a link to these tokens?

Here you go!

Hmm. You’re right. This is a bug. We are investigating this right now.

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hey there, unfortunately this is a problem in the smart contract and can’t be fixed with numbering. However, we can remove all numbering. Would that work at all?

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Oops, then it is okay, I like to keep the numbers. Thank you so much.

Ok. Sorry about that. You will have duplicate tokens and skipped numbers unfortunately.

Our current recommendation is to remove numbering to avoid confusion for collectors. But at the end of the day it’s your call. We will cover the gas to make it identical.