Issues signing in to Studio

I’m having trouble entering the studio completely, not quite sure if that’s just a me issue. I was in it but it wouldn’t let me create a claim page because it kept saying switch to Mainnet (which it wouldn’t let me, so I disconnected to see if that would help.) But now it’s not letting me sign in entirely, I used to just have to sign a prompt from my Metamask but it’s not getting there. Currently when I try to sign in I only see “Coinbase Wallet” or “Wallet Connect”, I haven’t been able to sign in.

Here’s a video of it

Just following up to see if this can get resolved :pray:

gm! Do you have anything like Phantom Wallet installed? This might cause some issues - This thread might be helpful:

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Thank you for the help Lyndo! I do have Phantom Wallet installed actually and it’s an extension I have pinned on Chrome. I was able to find a workaround prior to this by using WalletConnect QR Code scanner with my phone after having to download Metamask for mobile so I could gain access, but now my current issue is only having access to the site via mobile and not desktop.

Do you think Phantom is the reason for that as well (I noticed MM won’t prompt to anything even when trying to connect on things like MagicEden too)? Thank you.