Listing display as "ended" but auction still open


I’ve created 100 pieces 2 years ago, there is still 48 pieces available but I just saw that the listings are displayed as “ended” but the auctions are still open.

For exemple for Surprise #2 that is still available for sale:
Listing “ended”: Surprise #2
But auction open: Surprise #2 - Nicolas Daniel | Manifold

Why are they displayed as “ended” since they are still available?

And it seems I don’t receive the mail when auction has started. Could it be related?

Thank you for your help.
Have a great day!

hey nicolasdnl,

thank you for the report; we’re aware of the issue and aim to get the fix in asap! apologies for the front end not displaying the correct information.

as for the email – i don’t believe it’s related, but we shall investigate and report back.

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