A summary of the issue
There are tokens (ERC-721) displayed multiple times on the gallery page.
The Ethereum contract is limited to 263 tokens, though.
What are you trying to do?
A showcase of unique tokens. See one asset, not duplicates.
What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages?
More than one copy of a single photograph is on-display on the gallery page.
This would be confusing to any viewer who comes across the onchain photo series for the first time.
No error message shown. I suspect that it’s due to a backend issue or duplication of retrieved tokens.
A screenshot of the issue/error with the console
You can see that the upper-left corner photo shows up two times on the same row and again in the lower-left corner. The middle photo on the third row pops up again on the last row.
The visual interface issue persists even after reloading the page.
(On this screenshot, the console log exhibits an error due to the name of the contract, which I had typed in the search bar instead of the actual contract address. Not a big deal and, maybe, not the cause of the token duplication on the interface.)
Gallery Page: awalkaday.art (WALK)
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