Manifold Update 8/4/23: Audiences + Claim Page Optimizations!

August 4, 2023


Introducing Manifold Audiences

Generate reusable rule based lists of your collectors for supercharged audience targeting, all without touching a spreadsheet.

Manifold Audiences allow you to easily build a customized list of wallet addresses based on token ownership rules that can be saved and re-used at any time to generate new snapshots and allowlists. Combine rules for ANY contract, across multiple networks - even down to token-level attributes.

Here’s everything included

  • Custom audience builder enabling rules by contract address, token ID, and attributes
  • Automated audience presets for selecting any or all of your own contracts
  • Multi-chain support for Ethereum Mainnet, Goerli testnet, Optimism and Matic (Polygon)
  • Email notifications when pending snapshots complete
  • Visual previews of allowlists addresses and mint values

New Claim Page Customizations