Manually updating Metadata for ERC721 / Minted with Claim app

Hey friend, thanks for getting back, im seeing where i can upload the images, cause Pinata has a limit of 100 files on their FREE plan, and i dont want to pay a premium for this, do you know any other IPFS service i can use to upload the images? and i just upload the JSON to pinata.

Use two pinata accounts? :slight_smile:

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Great idea,

I made this json, can you check if its correct?

{“created_by”:“Rodro”,“name”:“Pixel Hollywood #1/100”,“external_url”:“",“description”:"The 100 most iconic characters from Movies & Series hand-drawed by me!”,“attributes”:[{“trait_type”:“Artist”,“value”:“Rodro”}],“image_details”:{“bytes”:2364964,“format”:“GIF”,“sha256”:“bc2bf4b21950009f7f0cf16a8365207d11119457b18c1128db93558ebd24215b”,“width”:2500,“height”:2500},“image”:“",“image_url”:"”}

yes, however, I would replace: with:


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Final TX:

And it worked!!!

Thank you so much for your help wilkins!!

Hey there, you’re going to have to do this again, the metadata for token 12 is wrong, which is why it’s not refreshing:

If you look, it’s invalid json because you posted the image link twice at the end. Please validate your json using

Where are these fields to be used, and how did you find your correct information to put there? thanks.