Mint Art Directly On-Chain

Is it possible to mint art directly on-chain via Manifold? If not, do you have plans to make this possible using Manifold Studio? Demand is picking up for this and it would be a great option coming from a trusted industry leader like Manifold.

This is possible, you’ll see an explanation here in our docs:

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Thanks Lyndo. Good to know…although at first glance it seems complicated. I’m wondering if Manifold would work on an easier to use UX that artists can easily do in Manifold Studio?

Hmmm - Are you looking to mint an SVG?

I was hoping to do png or jpg, but figured out how much that would cost, so probably won’t be doing that.

Ah got it - Yeah the gas costs associated with something like that would be really high for a high res image. Thanks for checking back in though!