Mint/claim page front-end not loading


I recently setup 100 claim pages for a collection that I’m releasing a week from today.

The files are mp4 with a max file size of 25mb per artwork and some as small as 15mb. For some reason my claim pages aren’t loading. Sometimes they do but then quickly stop loading shortly after.

I setup a curate page with the thirdparty developer sweetdropnft which is in the Manifold app library. I sourced all of my claim pages there and that curate page will give a 404 error code from what seems like a Manifold issue because the claim pages aren’t loading themselves.

Here’s the curate page link for all my claim pages: Curate Page

It’ll work for a bit and then as I click more claim pages they’ll stop loading and then the curate page will give the 404. I’m worried that with real traffic my pages will just not load at all.

Hmm the claim pages I’m clicking into from curate seem to work - Do you have a specific example of a page that isn’t working?

It happens intermittently when I’m clicking through multiple claim pages. I’ll be viewing a page and then I’ll go back to the curate page and then I’ll click on another claim page and it’ll give me the loading wheel.

It won’t load for awhile so I’ll go back to the curate page and then I’ll get the 404 error code. I also click on other artists’ claim pages and they’ll give the loading wheel as well. It seems like it’s site wide so I’m not sure if you can tinker with it for a bit to see if it gives you the same issue.

Thanks for letting us know! When you see the 404 next time, possible to post a screenshot to your console? Instructions are here:

I’ll flag this thread for Sweetdrop

Thank you for all your help. Here’s the screenshot.

Hey lyndo, this is the console error that I’m getting intermittently on manifold claim pages.