Mint will not go live for some reason

I minted a free open edition today. I created a snapshot of holders from a previous Manifold drop. On the claim page. It says “The creator is finalizing eligibility requirements. Please check back later.” The snapshot is showing completed and I’m not seeing anywhere else to finalize the page. Can anyone help with this?

Hey sorry if this is confusing, you need to publish your changes here: Manifold Studio

I published the changes with no change to the claim page.

What are you looking at? I am not seeing that message anymore on the claim page

I tried to add the audience again and change the mint time to see if I still experience the same problem.

I’m still having the same issue even after I made changes to it. Not sure what to do now.

Following-up to what Jason mentioned earlier the claim page:

Now says “The creator is finalizing eligibility requirements. Please check back later.” – the snapshot was taken hours ago, and the custom selection option confirms that there are 65 unique collectors. So everything appears correct there but still it’s not possible to claim it.

See screenshot.

Any idea?

We’re investigating, not sure why its not working as expected right now. Sorry!

Update: The snapshot was never processed. We are trying to see why.

We’re still stuck as to why this did not work. The person most knowledgeable likely won’t be able to investigate until tomorrow unfortunately.

Any luck on resolving this issue? My claim page is still displaying the same message.

We apologize for the delay. After investigation, we were not able to resolve this issue, as we cannot reproduce the error on our side. Can you please create a new claim, as we will cover the fee for you. Sorry for the inconvenience.