Multiburn - not seeting ability to set token threshold for ERC-721

Hello again,

I clearly see the option to set a token burn amount requirement for 1155 if I include an 1155 contract address, but nothing for 721. Is there no way to do this? Or do I just add 3 entries under the burn token for the same contract, with any token selected?

Thanks for reaching out! You should be able to create 3 requirements for the burn.

Curious, you’re looking to burn 3 tokens from the same ERC721 contract? Just looking to learn a little more about what you’re trying to do, these are all tokens from a single drop?

Thank you for the quick reply!

So, it’s multiple tokens from the same 721 contract. I want the holder to burn 3 tokens from said contract to get 1 token in return as the redeemable.

I am assuming since this works like an AND statement it would ultimately look like this:

Burn Token, other contract [insert same target contract address], all tokens
Burn Token, other contract [insert same contract address], all tokens
Burn Token, other contract [insert same contract address], all tokens

And the redemption page would be something like:

1x token contract
1x token contract
1x token contract