My new token and contract I deployed using Claim page, do not appear on looksrare and rarible

Dear Studio Manifold team,

I just deployed a new contract with ERC1155 token. However my new token and contract I deployed using Claim page, do not appear on looksrare and rarible. And when I click on their icon in claim page it says the page does not exist.
Could you please help me with that?

Hi can you link the claim page you are having issues with?

Hi, Hope you are doing great.
Sure, here it is:

Oh you’re claim hasn’t had any sales yet. The way it works is the first token is only minted once a sale has happened. This is to save you gas on initialization, we don’t mint one by default to your account. So technically to these platforms, the token doesn’t exist yet since it has a supply of 0.

Thank you so much Kartik. Yes I heard this from the Looksrare team that the first sale needs to happen! Have a great time, good luck!

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