New - Early Release - NFT

Hi Manifold Community.

Just put together the 0xLove NFT thanks to Manifold.

Please visit for details. The website will be updated to look more polished.

visit for the community marketplace.

Looking for a few community members to help get it off the ground.

NFT buyers will receive a rebate of the creator fee minus a small fee.

A DAO, Discord and Guild are in the works and will be launched shortly.

Thank you Manifold!



Hi Manifold Community.

Just added a Base claim page for the NFT.

Each claim is free minus the mint fee. Minters who list their NFT for sale on marketplaces will be added to a split and will receive an Split NFT. As the 0xLove NFTs are bought and sold, fees for will accumulate in the projects splitter which Split NFT holders can collect a share of at anytime from the splitter directly or can be pushed to holders wallets.

There is only 1,000 NFT’s available with this claim. Once claimed, minters will be added to the split and split NFT’s will be sent out.

Funds from this project are for the community members, public and charity goods, a DAO where people can work for Eth and project treasury.

Please claim as many NFT as you can, and list on marketplaces for any resale price you like.

I’ll get the marketplace open for Opensea and Rariable, shortly. Will drop the links below. The claim page was made with Manifold tools!

Thank you Manifold!


OpenSea Marketplace for - Base

List your NFT for resale here please!

Thank you Manifold!


Rariable Marketplace for - Base

Buy or List your Base NFT for resale here please!

One piece of the NFT collection is available in the Manifold Gallery.

Purchase price - fees are sent to the project mutlisig and can be redeemable back for ETH.

I encourage you all to visit the auction listing which will be available for the next 3 months.

Please bid and help further the project!

Thank you Manifold.


Ok, Major work done to get this functional. One last step… I need someone to buy the Base NFT. I’ll even give you back half the purchase price which is only listed at $.28 on base.

Can someone buy the Base NFT at:

Or at:

Just need one buyer to show how this works.

Thank you Maninfold team!

0xLove also has a guild setup at which will provide access to public and private spaces. Buy the NFT to support the project please. Only $.28 cents on base and I’ll give back half the listing price.

Thank you Manifold

Also who ever buys the NFT, please communicate with me here on the Manifold forum!

Thank you Manifold.


If you are interested in helping the project by buying the NFT, I will re-imburse half the purchase price which is a 50% discount. I will also buy the NFT back from you for a reasonable price.

Please reach out so we can arrange the details.

Thank you Manifold.



Things are going well with 0xlove.

I help 5 people that need help making money with nfts.

0xLove is working well. Check it out. Buyer of the NFT gets a rebate of the creator fee. is the marketplace to find the NFT on Base. is the guild page to get access to the Discord server and DAO on Coordinape.

Thank you Manifold!


I will pay you to buy the NFT.

Things are looking good. Join the experiment :slight_smile:

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The 0xLove DAO on Coordinape will allow people to earn an onchain income, through various activities, from anywhere in the world. As the NFT’s buy and sell a portion of the creator fees is put into a DAO pool for share among it’s participants by a voting system. Join the 0xLove Guild at to get started.

Thank you Manifold for building great tools!
