Prior contracts made on Manifold not showing up

Hi all,

Been a while since I used Manifold. I have two contracts made through Manifold, and why are they not showing when I connect my wallet to Manifold? It’s asking me to make a new contract.

Which wallet are you using to login to studio with?

Hello! Logging in with 0x57Aa377b489Bd2efd1B84182298D3CE5E2075C49, 0xc4Baf9b4Ce2AE850a7e1fF2A0B796242d0bE405d and 0x8ebB873789E61D01E5d5e3F77Eeb780fD8AD47C3 connected to that one.

GM Lyndo! Any update on this?

Seems the wallet 0x0f3F0Ce37f087e38B83F6De6f013E3BFDD888160 created both of the contracts - but a different wallet was used to deploy one of the contracts the reason it’s asking you to create a profile is the deployer of the second contract hasn’t created a profile on studio yet.