Quality-of-life suggestion for widgets: show INSTANCE_ID to token creator post-claim setting


I’m creating an interactive zine/emulator displayed on my own frontend- we need session storage, and same-origin requests so the claim page is unusuable for us(gallery works great though!)

i have a couple quality of life suggestions for the team, for example it was quite time consuming to search for data-id=“INSTANCE_ID” thru claim html, a while later i saw it was on the url while making the claim page, but would be great to have it also displayed when the claim is live along w/ all the links!

and, i couldn’t get the buy now modal to show up correctly without the buy now button css also added to the mix(i’m v horrible with html5) so would :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: a bit more documentation on using custom css to get along with manifold widgets

Great feedback! Will be sure to update the UX to display the claim ID somewhere useful for devs. Maybe in the additional options post-publish. Great idea.

also great suggestion about the CSS, as you’re issue makes perfect sense and the CSS file is required in order for the buy button and modals to work correctly!