Question about the limit of 200 mints

Is there any possibility or method to mint more than 200 nft under one smart contract in Manifold?

You can mint as many tokens as you like with Manifold, the 200 tokens is the transaction limit. Are you looking to batch mint tokens?

Yes, I want to mint 285 pieces under a smart contract and in a collection.

Batch minting tokens is no different from minting tokens individually, it’s just minted together to save gas costs. If you create two different batches it will appear all in the same collection provided it’s minted on the same contract.

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Should the metadata of each token be set manually one by one in Batch minting? Can’t use JSON file?

At this time it will have to be done manually

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Is there a way to lazy mint a collection in Monifold?

yeah, check out apps → claim page.

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