Hi, I have some questions about custom contract deployments that I can’t seem to find definitive answers for through the docs / forums.
My goal is to use override a few functions to enable some custom uri and transfer hooks. I would like to do this without having to use apps/exensions, just by deploying a contract which inherits manifold contracts and overrides where necessary. My initial questions are as follows:
How can I set up a custom deploy from forking the creator-core-solidity repo that takes advantage of ERC-897 to save on gas?
What exactly do I have to implement to make my contract ‘manifold compatible’ (with the website, marketplace, et.c.) This relates to question 1 for how manifold recognizes contracts, ie. do they have to be contracts which reference the onchain core via proxy, can they be custom Manifold deployments, or can it be any ERC721 token contract?
Is there a simpler way I am not understanding for implementing my desired overrides from the Manifold studio? I don’t have an aversion to deploying my own contracts, but want to make sure that it is done in a gas efficient / Manifold-ecosystem-compliant way.
Thank you for helping me clean up my understanding on these points.