Quick questions about Manifold Capabilities

Hey guys!

Am completely new to Manifold but excited to explore what it can do.

There are a few mechanics that I’m particularly interested in. Are they possible within Manifold?

  • Open edition where users receive one of 45 random tokens.
  • Burn multiple tokens to redeem a new token, but only provided they make a matching set.
  • Once a certain token has been redeemed, automatically close the open edition.

Would love to hear whether or not these would be possible through Manifold and if not, how one could go about engineering them.


gm! This might help understand some of the mechanics possible with a Manifold Contract:

As far as the mechanics you mentioned, these are all possible with Manifold Contracts but will require some custom code on your part.

  • Open Editions only support a single image with multiple copies at this time
  • We don’t have a set burn yet but it’s something we’ll be working on
  • “Once a certain token has been redeemed, automatically close the open edition.” Would love to hear more about this. Can you describe how you’re thinking this drop would work?

Hey lyndo,

Thanks so much for coming back to me.

Is there a way I can DM you or an email I can contact you at to explain more about the project in private?
