Randomized Metadata at/post- Mint


i’ve come across the customizable ERC721 metadata option
(Customize ERC721 Metadata | Manifold Studio | Manifold Docs),

but am wondering if it is possible to pre-upload all assets (maybe still via a CSV), and the metadata of each token is randomly pointed to one of the many “options” (maybe even with an uneven probability; for instance, if there are three types, the probability could be 50-30-20%)?

with the above linked setup, as is presented in the guide, it isn’t truly randomized as the creator upload the csv post-mint and may (if desired) manipulate the distribution of each metadata, correct?


Post mint is pretty straightforward for 721 claims. You would use the reveal mechanic which is pretty well documented. You would randomize the data before you do the reveal on your end.

appreciate the response and understood all this, but that’s exactly my question; let me try to rephrase:
if i were to “randomize” data on my end, one could say that i could also do anything with the spreadsheet, altering orders etc. what i meant to ask is if there’s any tooling available such that i could upload a CSV/JSON (or any other format for this matter) where the act of randomization is taken care of on-chain and/or out of my/the creator’s control. any suggestion/advice regarding this would be helpful even if it’s not built in just yet …

it seems like highlight has a tool that is close to it, but the total supply has to be known before hand, which wouldn’t be the case for many time-limited/open edition scenarios:

thanks again !

Unfortunately we don’t have something like this at the moment.

We do have something coming out shortly that allows for randomization of a fixed set of tokens (not all unique, but rather, a distribution of a small number of tokens with varying probabilities). But this is probably not what you are looking for.

thanks again !
and oh, actually, that sounds like EXACTLY what i’m looking for, as mentioned initially:

metadata of each token is randomly pointed to one of the many “options” (maybe even with an uneven probability; for instance, if there are three types, the probability could be 50-30-20%)

so for instance, if the supply ends up being 300 tokens (not predetermined, but when the mint window closes), then the distribution example given above would output something like 150 asset type 1s, 90 type 2s, and 60 type 3s in the end, randomly.

when might i expect the tool you mentioned to be available, given that you did say shortly
could we possibly chat via DM to be more effective? (i would say the initial issue posted is in a way resolved …)

thanks a lot again !

Exciting! Send us an email: studio@manifold.xyz

I think we’ve got just what you’re looking for.

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thanks a lot !!
email sent, got an auto response for the time being, just fyi …
looking forward to discussing !