I created an edition of 15 and listed it for a month. After it expired I airdropped 1 and I re-listed 10. The remaining 4 SHOULD remain in my wallet. The claim page shows 1/10. As far as I can tell the 1 is the airdrop but what about the other 4? Did I do something wrong? Thanks
Right now this looks like you created a new editions(claim page) instead of re-listing existing tokens for sale through gallery.
This might be a misunderstanding in how the claim pages work. When you create a claim, it doesn’t mint the token, it creates a page for people to mint the tokens. So the tokens don’t exist until they minted.
Ok I don’t want to make a wrong step here. One has been airdropped. Is it possible for me to turn this back in to 15 total. I keep 4. One was already sent out. And I list the other 10? What do I need to do if I can make this happen?
You can edit the claim so there are 15 tokens for the total supply. I believe that’s what you’re looking for?
Yes I believe so haha…I want to keep 4 so do I need to airdrop 4 to my self then list 10? Im so confused. Sorry…
well thats what I decided to do…I changed the quantity to 15 and airdropped 4 to myself. Is there a better way to do this in the future? I will always want to hold back a few from listing so Ill have to run into this situation again…