Recent Smart Contract creation

In order for our team to investigate a bug/errors, please provide the following:

  • What is your wallet address? 0x21339e2cE5cE1D7A19a28E774513619C0c6259da
  • A summary of the issue: I created a Smart Contract in the old interface, it finished this morning (after the maintenance); currently, I do not see the Smart Contract in my contracts, and the contract 0x0878f8206c797FA53335b8725C6b81E86011b491 is not validated either!
  • What are you trying to do? I want to mint new items on my Smart Contract 0x0878f8206c797FA53335b8725C6b81E86011b491
  • What is the actual outcome? Are you seeing any error messages? The Smart Contract is not in my list despite being created by me 0x0878f8206c797FA53335b8725C6b81E86011b491
  • What browser are you using? Google Chrome
  • What wallet are you using? MetaMask

Hello folks, so I started creating Smart Contract 0x0878f8206c797FA53335b8725C6b81E86011b491 yesterday, but it only went through today. I do not see this contract list in my contracts, so I cannot use it to mint. When I check it on Etherscan, I see the contract is not validated. What can I do now?
If I create a NEW contract, I might end up with two IF the one mentioned above is verified and assigned to me later. I want to avoid that. So what is the best way to proceed?

Hi Monika,

Sorry for the issue you were having. I see that your contract deployment was sped up and replaced by another transaction. This also happening while we were migrating data to our new client which created this issue. I have since then fixed up some data on our back end and you should be seeing this contract verified, as well as using it when you interact with the new client shortly!

Thank you so much, Don!
I do not yet see it verified when I check Etherscan , but as long as it runs through in the next hours, I got everything I need, thank you very much!!

I looked here:

Hi Monika,

The contract should be verified now, sorry for the delay!

Thank you so much again, Don!
Another observation/question: I now minted 11 pieces, and it seems that I need to set royalties for each TOKEN?
I deployed a new Smart Contract for 10 NFTs, could not specify any royalty, only found that option for each token = 10x gas.
I thought this was maybe an oversight, but I minted one more today, still the same issue!
Please advise, and thank you so much!!

Hi, I ran into another issue… could I get a reply on that please?

Thank you so much again, Don!
Another observation/question: I now minted 11 pieces, and it seems that I need to set royalties for each TOKEN?
I deployed a new Smart Contract for 10 NFTs, could not specify any royalty, only found that option for each token = 10x gas.
I thought this was maybe an oversight, but I minted one more today, still the same issue!
Please advise, and thank you so much!!

Hi Monika,

I would suggest creating a new forum to not pollute this current one. It will be helpful for the community to see your questions and learn from it as well!