Scribe - is there file size limit when adding to inserted Table?

Using new feature Scribe - inserted a table with roughly 100 rows/8 columns. Would like one column to hold images. Is there a file size limit for the images?

I attempted to add image from manifold/Arweave URL. Unable to add to table but can add outside of table as banner/footer.

Any help appreciated. Thank you!

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howdy! happy to help here. can you explain a little further how you’re doing this so i can recreate? shouldn’t be any limits but then again, sounds like youre the first person to try a big old table so there’s potential for a small bug we can patch up!

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I would like to add a vertical row of images to my Scribe table on this:

I was able to do it on this Scribe I created with a table:
(pls scroll to bottom, sorry its text heavy).

The Catalogue Scribe images I am trying to add are from Arweave, for example

Is there an image size limit? or do I need to play around with CSS Code (I am a noob to this area).

Thank you for your help