Scribe's Collector Page UI Bug

The visual display of a Scribe document seems to have defaulted to showing the smart contract image only.

Previously, the texts published via Scribe could be seen as part of a single document or page. It was easy to read at first glance, similar to the outlook of a PDF. The recent UI change, does not offer a way to discover the texts contained in the contract, but rather showcases the contract “album cover”.

One example is a Scribe that I published via Twofold Alienated | Manifold.
Is there an alternative way to render the Scribe texts as before?
Are the UI changes revealing a bug or undergoing a transition to a newer interface?
Are the written texts still accessible publicly onchain (besides what’s available from inside Manifold Studio)?


For my case, the Base contract address is 0x2193Ddd4D64bAd38c7bd523090F333f425560A72 and the Manifold instance is 3806986480.

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gm - Ah, got it. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ll investigate and keep you posted.

Fixed! Sorry about that! Big thank you for the report and screenshots.

Thanks a lot for the fix. All looks good.

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