I have two Manifold contracts and the secondary royalties I originally set are no longer showing on the UI.
The Administrator and Revoke wallets are also missing. These contracts are in a multi-sig SAFE.
I do not understand the read/write proxy link you sent. I transferred these contracts to multi-sig in 2022.
When I look on Manifold at my 721 contract, the secondary royalty UI appears blank. The same with my 1155 contract. Also no Administrators are appearing.
Is this blank screen on Manifold caused by the contract being stored in multi-sig?
When you read the contract, does it appear that no royalties are set? Can I reset them?
Can you take a screenshot of what you see when you click onto getAdmin? ie when i click the 65A contract - click Read as Proxy - go to getAdmins and hit query - I see 3 addresses: