Series to Claim page

I made a Series mint of 6 1/1s, is it possible to make claim/gallery pages for each?
Addy: 0xD003861bbcB67B3D2a26A9e3890BD64c97bB6931
Contract: 0xe3fec22ecedb664f6b257a3092bd278aa9639dab

Or do i need to start over and mint them individually?

Thanks, this was their response " talk to the representative from manifold nft " :crazy_face:

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Please note that the previous response is from a malicious account - We’ve removed the account from our system. Manifold employees will have a ‘Manifold Team’ badge next to their name.

If you have made a series mint - the token is already minted and it can’t be turned into a claim page, but it can be listed for sale with the Gallery app.