Set Royalties Token but not Reflected

Hi, I am new to Manifold and have minted a token with 4 editions. I would like to try listing/selling them through manifold gallery instead of going through OS.

I am aware these questions can be quite noob, please bear with me.

  1. When I look at my contract > more options > Transfer Token, it shows I own 0. When I view the listing on OS, it shows there are 4 items. What am I doing wrong here?

  2. When I look at my contract > more options > Set Royalties for Token > contract settings > add address, enter percentage > Update royalties > sign on metamask

The page refreshes but the royalties is still 0%. I can see that the contract is confirmed in Metamask activity. I have also checked the token address on royaltyregistry.eth and it also shows “error: no on chain royalties configured.”

  1. If I want to privately transfer 1 of the 4 NFTs to a friend’s wallet address, what is the recommended way to do it? If my friend were to sell the NFT, I will need the royalties to be in effect.

  2. Does it make sense to add a text property for “Edition”? Or should I just mention it in the Description section?

Thank you for reading and will greatly appreciate any support!

Found the answer to question 3 in this Manifold’s help article:
How do I transfer a token?

Sorry, forgot to provide my wallet and contract address in the first post:

Wallet - 0x5847C83E8ea95A77019566B6a25B68dE60797F66

Contract - 0x652873889cc44090e1f900d6b8b04198866b41dc


  1. Visual bug! We are fixing right now. If OpenSea says they are in your wallet, they are definitely in there. Apologies.
  2. Which page are you on? The Contract level royalties page or the Token level royalties page? (see attached screenshots)
  3. You nailed it! Use OpenSea or your wallet itself (some provide that utility).
  4. The world is your oyster! If it is a series of 721 tokens that you want to all be unique, the properties is a great place to add those unique properties (like #1 of 4). You can also choose to update the title! No hard and fast rules :slight_smile:

token royalties page example

contract royalties page example