When I add the Block to the product page I do not see the added button on this page, I do see it in the live version. How to fix this?
Can I add additional products to a Product Bridge after saving?
Is it still needed to make the Product Type Manifold? Or will it work without adding the Product Type? Can one product have more Product Type in Shopify and if yes, will Printify products publishing override this field?
Also about Printify – when you link the Printify product to your store, the information should be in the “Vendor” section of the product not the Product Type. So you will be able to use Merch Bridge with Printify
Hi, Thank you for your help David. I was wondering if this information can be pushed from Printify into Shopify, so there is no need to do it manually on each product every time you publish. Also because when you publish from Printify again, it will override the information changed in Shopify (the word manifold get overwritten with the Product Type published from Printify)
Hi David,
I am all set up now with manifold and Shopify, so it all seems to work. Only other questions I have is, I want to give all our holders a discount with token gating, is there a way to approve this discount for an entire collection at once? Or do I have to go one by one adding a Product gate for each individual product? Appreciate your help. Kind regards, Paladin
Here’s the website for purchasing
I would also appreciate it if we can copy a set of rules at once to use on the next product
Yeah if you give other apps permissions to modify products and they overwrite them, unfortunately you will have to manually reconfigure them for Merch Bridge.
Also, for now, you will have to add the product gate for each product. We appreciate the suggestion and are looking at making this easier in the future!
I had set up everything and it all worked.
I wanted to change the currency of the store to dollars and it seems to give error messages after that. I deleted the app and reinstalled and started basically from scratch, but it keeps giving the server error, appreciate your help. I can still create a new store if this is the solution for getting it in dollars.
trying to reproduce the issue you are seeing – before you changed the currency of the store to $ have you previously made a sale?
I tried to reproduce with a store that had NOT made a sale yet (switched from euros to usd) and seemed to work. But when I tried with a store that has made a sale Shopify would not let me change the currency
It’s not a problem for me to change the currency on Shopify. This works fine, no sales yet.
The problem is with the Manifold app blocks, it is giving these error messages.
Is there a way to have a live conversation while we look at this? Messages back and forth might not be sufficient to solve this.
My only other option is to start a new store at this point, hoping to avoid that.
pertaining to checkout:
Looks like your product is unrestricted (allow anyone to buy full price) and you have a discount for 721 tokens holders
I created a new site with a newly installed Dawn theme and was not able to recreate this issue after switching from dollars to euros and even back again – it still let me checkout normally both with and without NFTs, so not sure whats going on there.
On your site Paladin Punk #96 Hoodie White Solid Sublimation Dye – PALADINPUNKS I was able to add to cart and create a checkout without the NFT discount, but since I don’t hold one of the tokens I can’t checkout with NFTs. Could you add this Mainnet address in the rules so I could try? 0x3E39166e9476b848D904521Fd6a2bE9cdb3140a7