Shopify Merch Bridge Feature and Suggestion to allow Multiple Rules per Single Item at Checkout

Hello, I use manifold for Shopify and I would like to offer my customers the ability to apply/stack multiple discounts per item at checkout. For example I’d like to set it up so that 1 attribute gets 10% off and another attribute gets 5% off, etc. If someone owns NFTs that offer varying discounts, they can stack those discounts and apply 15% off on a single item. Right now it appears only one discount/rule can be applied an item.

You can do the first thing (one attribute gets X% another gets Y%). However we don’t support stacking.

For the first just create multiple rules for your gate.

Thanks for your response. I’m aware about the first option, just thought it would be great to be able to offer stacking. Stacking encourages customers to collect NFTs so they can get more utility. Would love to see this feature in the future