Simple Question - How do I mint on Base?

I’ve not used Manifold before so forgive me if this is obvious, but how do I mint on Base? Is it as simple as using my MetaMask wallet on the Base network? If it is possible, are there instructions somewhere? I’ve search but can’t find. Many thanks in advance

Gm! Welcome! Our Help Center may be a nice place to get started and learn more about our tools: Help Center

Just a reminder if you’re unfamiliar and want to test things out, you can use Testnet Workspace to try things out.

When creating with Manifold Studio, if you go through the create flow - You’ll see the option to create with Base during the contract creation/selection of each flow.

This is embarrassing; I was in test mode which only showed SEPOLIA. It’s now official, I’m an idiot :rofl: :joy:

Thanks Lyndo

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lol no problem at all - let me know if you have other questions!

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